Cancel an Order
Order cancellation is still possible via our Customer Service Team as long as the item(s) in your order is not yet packed. Unfortunately, once the item(s) in your order is packed, we will not be able to accommodate any cancellation requests. Should you still wish to cancel your order, you have the following options:
- Option 1: At the point of delivery, simply inform the rider that you have changed your mind and refuse to accept the parcel. This is the best option if you have opted to pay via cash on delivery or if your item is non-returnable or non-exchangeable.
- Option 2: At the point of delivery, accept the parcel and then request a return for a refund or for an exchange as outlined here. However, please ensure that your item does not fall under the list of non-returnable and non-exchangeable items. If it does, please proceed with Option 1.
- If you have already paid for your order, your refund will be processed by ZALORA within the next 1 working day upon cancellation or once the order has arrived at the ZALORA warehouse if you rejected the delivery or opted for a return. From there, kindly allow the refund time frames stated here in order for the refunded payment to reflect in your account.
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